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It's International Women's Day!

Writer's picture: The MonocleThe Monocle

Updated: Mar 26, 2024

To start, I almost defaulted to wish you all a "Happy" IWD. However, given the state of women's rights, bodily autonomy, and a seemingly decreasing acceptance of those who are different in the U.S.A. I did not think it appropriate. While we may be in a late 3rd to early 4th wave of feminism, each day the news reports more dire roll backs of the rights of women/females/femmes* and those who identify as anything but a cis white male.

While my gut burns, my throat tightens and I long to get on a soapbox, I know I am not nearly as eloquent or informed as so many out there doing and saying so much more. Instead, I will include links and reference interesting books I've recently read.

  1. Learn more at

  2. International Women's Development Agency please read their definition of "feminism" (the short of it is: Quite simply, feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights. ) This includes intersectionality - which is sounds more complicated that it is - basically different people experience different things and can experience multiple forms of discrimination at once - making experiences and hurdles unique.)

  3. Go Local! (Or loco- whatever your preference). Many places (at least in the USA) have Women's Foundations and Women's Giving Circles. If you have the energy, the finances or the time I urge you to get involved (you don't need all three:). These organizations provide ways to get involved in your community and introduce you to many non profits and people doing a multitude of caring. (*NOTE: many of these organizations have either already or are in the process of rewriting their mission statements to be more inclusive. You do not have to be a female assigned at birth, or currently possess a uterus to be included. What you do need - in most cases - is a desire to elevate those voices, needs and opportunities that historically have not been given equal power in equality, equity, justice and inclusion.)

Authors and change makers just to start with:

  1. Audrey Lorde

  2. Maya Angelou

  3. Angela Davis

  4. Harriet Tubman

  5. Harriet Beecher Stowe

  6. Gloria Steinam

  7. Mary Wollstonecraft (Mary Shelley's mother)

  8. Alice Walker

  9. Agatha Christie

  10. Virginia Wolfe

  11. Isabel Allende

(OBVIOUSLY there are soooo many more! Please share in the comments some of your favorites!)

Books (I've recently read - I'm a very slow reader so the list is short:)

  1. Romantic Outlaws by Charlotte Gordon (tells the stories of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary W. Shelley)

  2. The Heroine's Journey by Gail Carriger (She builds on the Maureen Murdock's research and coverage of alternate story story telling - the Hero's Journey is not the only way:). I really like it because there are a lot of pop culture references to explain the steps.

  3. The Alchemy by Anna Vaught (She is all about gentle productivity, so if you are neurodivergent, a new writer or a typical busy person with many time commitments this book is a breath of fresh air).

  4. Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu (I was lucky enough to see her give a talk at a conference I attended. It was so relieving to have a 'successful' person be honest at not doing it all- that it wasn't possible. It has helped myself, my sister and many friends by both acknowledging and giving guidance on how to pick and choose your tasks. Silent Delegation that doesn't work, Saying No, and making room to give yourself grace when you aren't perfect as a mother, wife, friend and employee was kiss-fantastic).

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