Coffee at the Dog Park(250 word-revised-genre:rom-com/action:grinding coffee beans/word:tense)
*Please note, reading times are automatically website generated, and seem to be for non-neurospicy readers - Adriana takes a minute or two longer than the suggested times as does Google Chrome's speech feature, unless at a hurried speed that invokes its own anxiety:)
Who is Lena LaCrosse?
#Beyond Van Gogh
Free Story Arc Templates
Must have books for your shelf!
The Love and Death of a Criminal
Love at First Sunrise (100 word-revised-genre: romance/action: tying a shoe/word: deal)
Ringing in New York (250 word-revised-genre:romantic comedy/action: delivering a package/word shock)
Come on Eileen
“Ride of My Life” 250 word (updated to 306 words) Ghost Story / Riding a Ferris wheel / tape.
Caught in the Loop (NYC midnight challenge -suspense, a call center, treadmill )
Cutting an Impression (100 word micro-fiction genre: Comedy/action: Chopping a vegetable /word:hyper